We are a dedicated charity organisation that focuses on supporting bereaved parents through the sale of Much Loved teddy bears. Every teddy bear sold contributes to funding maternity suites, offering comfort and care to parents in need. We are committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing such heartbreaking circumstances.
The Story (sensitive information)
Back in 2020 I sadly lost my son Alfie, who was stillborn on my due date. As the years went by I knew I wanted to give back to the amazing team at the hospital for all the memories they created for us in such a difficult time. after thunking of what ideas would be best to give back, I decided that teddies would be perfect. Teddies have always been a significant part of my life from childhood doctors appointments to the birth of my children. Even bringing a teddy to with Alfie, my son born sleeping, as he lay to rest. And that is where much loved came about.
we are a charity that collects much loved teddies form people who generously donate nationwide. We then sell these soft toys and give all of the proceeds to the blossom suite maternity department, situated inside Broomfield Hospital, where the maternity team are for bereaved parents. I also wanted to choose something that was eco-friendly and sustainable. By choosing bears tat are Much Loved we are drastically reducing the amount of teddies that go to landfill each year.
These teddies have been well and truly loved by all kinds of individuals, now its your turn to create ever lasting memories with your new best friend.